Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Street Knit Poject

Hot & muggy T.O. summertimes rarely inspire me to pick up my knitting needles (though admittedly I am a pretty slack knitter year round). But I may just have to get my sticks in gear this time to knit a scarf or three for the StreetKnit Project - an initiative that asks you knitters to "put your needles together and spend some time this summer knitting some warmth into a sweater, a hat, mittens, socks, or scarf to help keep someone warm this winter"

All of your fuzzy output will be donated to various homeless outreach programs in the Fall.

This project is apparently in its infancy, so check back at their website in a bit for updates re: participating programs. Contact them at
streetknit@gmail.com for more info.

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